Sexual Harassment - A Guide for Prevention


How do you prevent harassment from occurring? What sorts of policies should be in place? What should managers do to protect their employees? And if a complaint is filed, what will we do? A course for HR Pros, Managers, and Executive Leadership, all of these questions (and more!) will be answered in this one-day workshop.

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This one-day workshop teaches participants to:

  • Explain what is acceptable behavior in the workplace and what is not, and why
  • Apply the benefits of harassment training
  • Define the various types of harassment, including sexual harassment
  • Assist in creating a harassment policy
  • State some ways to prevent harassment and understand what role they can play
  • Demonstrate some ways to protect themselves from harassment
  • Know what to do if they are harassed or accused of harassment
  • Understand the complaint process, from the complaint to the reply, to mediation or investigation, to a solution
  • Identify situations where mediation is appropriate, and understand how mediation works in those situations
  • Describe appropriate solutions for a harassment incident
  • Know what to do if a complaint is false
  • Help their workplace return to normal after a harassment incident


  • The rate for individuals participating from the MARC region is $215 per person.
  • 9-1-1 Regional Members pay $0. The training fee is covered by MARC's Regional Public Safety Communications Program.

For more information, please contact GTI. 

Presenter: LANTEC

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LANTEC provides computer software and professional development trainings to corporate and government clients across the country. As a Gold Microsoft Partner, LANTEC represents a high level of competence and expertise with an array of in-demand Microsoft technologies.

Topics: LANTEC

Focus Area: Local Government