Early Learning Resources

Data, publications and toolkits

Our early learning resources provide insight into the successes and challenges facing early learning in our region and identify strategies to guide early learning forward. 

Group reading a story in an early education classroom

Greater Kansas City Early Learning Landscape

This tool provides data to inform decision-making and community planning to enhance the regional early learning system. It offers visual data mapping and the ability to generate reports by zip code, school district boundary, or city.


The Children and Youth in Disasters (CYID) subgroup of the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) in Kansas City, Missouri has endeavored to develop toolkits for educators, day care providers, anyone working with children, that would equip them with age-appropriate means to begin these difficult conversations about any sort of disaster, process what happened and regain a sense of control. To accomplish this goal, the CYID developed A.C.O.R.N.