Academy for Sustainable Communities Events

August 21, 2024 | 02:00 pm

What makes a street comfortable for biking? Is it the same for everyone? How does this understanding translate to planning and design decisions? The concept of bike comfort has greatly influenced how practitioners approach bicycle planning and design. Evaluating traffic volumes, speeds, and roadway configurations to estimate comfort has become common practice. However, practitioners and advocates increasingly recognize that whether people of all ages, abilities, and identities truly feel comfortable when biking is far more nuanced. 

Focus Area: Environment
September 18, 2024 | 02:00 pm

New forms of micromobility are bringing new opportunities to urban mobility but also new challenges. E-bikes, cargo bikes, e-scooters, electric one-wheels and other new forms of micromobility are introducing complexities of speed and size that don't align with traditional pedal bikes nor with motor vehicles. Meanwhile, popularity of these devices is exploding, and city planners and policymakers need to be ready to respond. How do cities accommodate the substantial benefits of these new device types while also maintaining safe and effective operations on streets and trails?

Focus Area: Environment
October 16, 2024 | 02:00 pm

Bentonville, Arkansas takes pride in its history, small-town charm, and unique natural features. With its success, come challenges. Population growth and the related pressures of housing and transportation create a daunting mix of difficulties. Today, Bentonville leaders are looking for ways to address them. Bicycling can help.

Focus Area: Environment
November 20, 2024 | 02:00 pm

As our world continues to change the value of our public rights-of-way and associated infrastructure are increasingly being recognized for the multiple benefits they can provide to our communities.

Focus Area: Environment