Updates and outcomes from MARC's February Board meetings

Mar 06, 2024
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MARC Board members listen to a presenter at the February 2024 Board meeting.

We’re sharing selected highlights from the meetings for your awareness and use in regional conversations.

liberty hospital cyber incident response

Board members heard from Carolyn Wells, manager of trauma and emergency preparedness at Liberty Hospital, about the cyber security incident the hospital experienced on Dec. 19. Despite major disruption, critical patients were quickly transferred to other hospitals thanks to the region’s pre-planning efforts through the Regional Homeland Security Coordinating Committee and Health Care Coalition. “No other region in the country does what we do,” Wells said to the Board, in reference to the metro’s continual planning and relationship-building.

climate action priorities

MARC’s Priority Climate Action Plan describes high-priority, shovel-ready measures that will reduce climate pollution in the metro area. The Board approved the plan, which is an important part of the region’s $190 million Climate Pollution Reduction Grant application due April 1 to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 

Hazard Mitigation Plan Revision

The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends local governments, school districts and other public organizations adopt a hazard mitigation plan every five years to understand natural hazards and develop strategies to reduce risk. Over the last 20 years, MARC has assisted local communities in preparing their plans. The process for this most recent update began in December and will be finalized in May 2025. 

911 and 998 coordinated call-taking

The Board authorized an agreement between MARC and Johnson County Mental Health to use 911 call-taking equipment to respond to 988 calls. The $150,000 agreement will support six call-taking positions for Johnson County to respond to 988 callers. MARC staff reported that these types of agreements are becoming more common throughout the country because 911 resources can facilitate quick responses to mental health crises.

Transportation 'call' for projects

One of MARC’s primary roles is to facilitate a process for cooperative decision-making regarding the use of federal money for transportation projects. As part of this, the 2024 call for transportation projects is now open for area local governments to submit proposals. The two-step application process will remain the same as last year. The pre-application deadline is April 5 and the technical application deadline is July 26. 


At the MARC Budget and Personnel Committee meeting on Feb. 27, attendees took the following actions:

  • Bi-State Sustainable Reinvestment Corridor under way:  MARC is currently seeking consulting services for phase one of the Bi-State Sustainable Reinvestment Corridor project. The committee approved a $1 million to $1.2 million service agreement for a selected vendor to provide professional and technical services, such as community outreach and planning. The vendor will be selected through an RFP process that is currently underway.
  • North Kansas City meal repack facility: The committee authorized MARC to use $2 million in State of Missouri funds to purchase a property in North Kansas City as a meal repack facility. The building’s facilities will increase MARC’s ability to support our partner agencies in providing frozen home-delivered meals for homebound older adults and allow fresh and culturally appropriate foods to be incorporated.