Operation Green Light turns Midtown corridor stoplights into go lights

Mar 24, 2021
| Posted in
Green traffic light with blue sky background

Well, many are thanks to the work of Operation Green Light, the regional cooperative effort to coordinate traffic signals and incident response on major routes throughout the Kansas City region.

OGL conducts corridor studies that result in timing plans to help decrease the number of stops a car must make, improving travel time, reducing congestion and increasing driver satisfaction.

Recently, OGL studied several corridors in Midtown Kansas City, Missouri. This time-lapse video shows a westbound trip along 31st St. from Jackson Ave. to Grand Ave. after the signals were retimed. You’ll notice that the car obeys the speed limit, hits every green light and is able to travel the 2.5 miles in just over 4 and a half minutes.

Time-Lapse Video