Riverside has a vision for safe and convenient travel

Aug 22, 2023
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City of Riverside, Missouri street with a crosswalk, car, and wide sidewalk

Riverside, Missouri, ranked seventh in the nation for its complete streets policy in 2023 according to Smart Growth America. The city’s policy scored 86 out of 100 points based on the National Complete Streets Coalition’s evaluation criteria. The policy, implemented in 2022, scored high marks for mandating coordination, adopting excellent design guidance, and creating a plan for implementation. 

Complete Streets Top 10 Cities of 2023

“This years top 10 strongest policies” (Data courtesy of Smart Growth America)

Riverside has always had a love affair with the automobile. From drive-in movie theaters, a racetrack, and a multitude of gas stations to a highway system that divides the community — making car connections to the region has long been a priority in Riverside. However, increasing infrastructure maintenance costs, community wellness, environmental sustainability and reconnecting to the natural environment has had the city rethinking its approach. A robust trail network continues to grow, micro-transit is now connecting Riverside to the metro and our complete streets policy aims to make progress in transforming a car-centric system to an approach that is inclusive for all users.

Michael Duffy, Director of Community Development, City of Riverside

Complete streets are roadways designed for safe and convenient travel by users of all ages and abilities. This includes pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders. Complete streets are designed to improve public safety, promote good health, provide economic benefits, and enhance environmental quality. They are a smart investment in the community and an important element in achieving the region's goals of a sustainable, equitable and multimodal transportation system.

Bicyclist riding on the sidewalk in the city of Riverside, Missouri
Bicyclist riding on the sidewalk in the city of Riverside, Missouri

According to Smart Growth America’s Complete Streets Policy Framework, a strong complete streets policy should include 10 elements: establishing commitment and vision; prioritizing underinvested and underserved communities; applying to all projects and phases; allowing only clear exceptions; mandating coordination; adopting excellent design guidance; requiring proactive land-use planning; measuring progress; setting criteria for choosing projects; and creating a plan for implementation.

Riverside’s success in implementing complete streets is a model for other communities in the region looking to improve their transportation network. By prioritizing the safety and mobility of all users, Riverside is creating a more livable and sustainable community for its residents.