Rock Island Bridge aims to connect and revitalize the region

May 17, 2024
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Rock Island Bridge in construction

The Rock Island Bridge, a railroad bridge spanning the Kansas River, is being transformed into a vibrant, multiuse destination set to connect and revitalize the region this summer. The project stems from an initial PSP study that included an engineering analysis, conceptual design, and implementation plan to repurpose a retired railroad bridge.

The PSP program supports local transportation and land use planning that fosters vibrant, connected, and green places. The Rock Island Bridge project exemplifies these goals by providing a mix of options for recreation and social interaction while promoting sustainable transportation. The study from 2017 included assessing the structure's integrity and envisioning its new role as a connector between Kansas City, Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas. The design respects the bridge's historical significance while adapting it for modern use. The project is a collaborative effort, jointly sponsored by the Unified Government of Wyandotte County, and Kansas City, Kansas, and the city of Kansas City, Missouri.

Led by Flying Truss LLC, the project aims to convert the once dormant bridge into a bustling hub of activity. The bridge will feature entertainment, dining, and trailhead services, creating a unique experience for residents and visitors alike. The Rock Island Bridge is anticipated to open this summer, offering a new venue for cultural events and daily enjoyment. It will serve as a trailhead over the river, providing facilities such as public restrooms and seating, making it America's first trailhead over a river.

For more information on the Rock Island Bridge project, visit the official website. To learn more about the 2017 Kaw River Bike and Pedestrian Connector Bridge PSP study, access the report.

Photos courtesy of Rock Island Bridge.

Rock Island Bridge full rendering
Rock Island Bridge full rendering