Planning Sustainable Places

Creating vibrant, connected and green places

The Planning Sustainable Places program works to advance integrated local transportation and land use planning and project development actions that support:

  • Vibrant places that offer a mix of options for housing, jobs, services and recreation.
  • Connected places with a variety of transportation options.
  • Green places that support healthy living and a healthy natural environment.

The PSP program promotes concepts consistent with sustainable communities and the advancement of site-specific and project-specific activities within the centers and corridors planning framework.

The program is funded through Surface Transportation Block Grant funding. The Sustainable Places Policy Committee reviews projects submitted by local jurisdictions and eligible organizations. Projects are classified into three planning categories: initial plan to identify needs, project development to further explore needs and concepts, and planning for project implementation to finalize elements before preliminary engineering begins. All projects must meaningfully engage their community in a collaborative dialogue.

2025 Call for Projects

The 2025 Planning Sustainable Places Call for Projects is now closed. Submitted projects and public comments are available to view in the project portal.
