First Suburbs Coalition

Suburban neighborhood with mature tree

The mission of the First Suburbs Coalition is to identify and enhance the unique qualities of first suburb communities – neighborhoods where the majority of the housing stock was built post WWII to 1970 – to maintain a high quality of life for all current residents and future generations by promoting preservation, reinvestment and revitalization.

Recent efforts have included: developing practices and policies to help them become redevelopment ready communities, including sustainable codes, work to plan for and manage demographic changes in order to create communities for all ages, and to continue to promote housing remodeling within first suburbs.

Next Meeting


Color: Green

April 18, 2025 | 08:30 am
Grandview City Hall

A light breakfast will be served during networking at 8 a.m. The program will take place from 8:30 - 10 a.m. There is no cost for this event, but your registration to attend is requested. The program is TBD.

Coalition Details


The First Suburbs Coalition meets on third Fridays in January, April, July and October. 


  • Theresa Garza, Board of Aldermen, Raytown, Missouri
  • Ian Graves, Councilmember, Prairie Village, Kansas