Transportation Plans and Studies

Metropolitan Planning Products

Freight trains heading off into the sunset

Connected KC 2050

As the metropolitan transportation plan for the Kansas City region, Connected KC 2050 serves as a blueprint for managing the transportation system for the next 30 years.

Bond Bridge at sunset

Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program contains all major surface transportation projects planned to receive federal, state and local funding within the metro area that will be carried out in the next five years.

Bus and streetcar at intersection in the River Market

Unified Planning Work Program

The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) describes the transportation planning activities MARC and other agencies propose to undertake during the next fiscal year. It promotes a unified regional approach to transportation planning in order to achieve regional goals and objectives.

People gathered around table reviewing plan for Buck O'Neil Bridge

Public Participation Plan

The Public Participation Plan (PPP) provides a framework that guides public involvement in MARC’s transportation planning projects. It specifies goals, strategies and techniques that encourage successful public participation.

Biking and Walking Plans

Woman and child walking on trail next to water

Regional Pedestrian Policy Plan

The Regional Pedestrian Policy Plan synthesizes a regional vision to improve walkability across jurisdictional boundaries through policies, plans and programs.

People riding bikes on bike lane along Grand Avenue

Regional Bikeway Plan

The Greater Kansas City Regional Bikeway Plan envisions a cohesive regional network of bikeways, connected across city, county and state boundaries, that promotes active transportation.

Transit and Mobility Plans

New Kansas City International Airport terminal at sunset

Kansas City International (KCI) Airport Public Transit Services Action Plan

MARC is collaborating with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority on the Kansas City International Airport Public Transit Services Action Plan to evaluate public transit options to serve transportation demands to and from the airport.

Person in wheelchair entering bus

Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan

Guiding investment in enhanced mobility for older adults and people with disabilities in the Kansas City region.

RideKC bus with bike on the front in downtown Kansas City

Smart Moves Transit and Mobility Plan

Smart Moves 3.0 is the Kansas City region’s 20-year plan for transit and mobility. It builds on a solid foundation of prior planning, and prepares the region for greater choices in the transportation environment we currently live in — one that is rapidly evolving.

Six people jumping in the air while standing beside a bus

Peer Cities Transit Report

The Peer Cities Transit Report serves as a benchmark for our regional transit system and compares the system to peer transit systems in terms of funding, ridership, service area and density.

Bus in motion in downtown Kansas City

Transit Zero Fare Impact Analysis

This study analyzed the impacts of zero-fare on a range of performance measures including economic impacts, opportunity costs, agency revenues and costs, operations, community impacts, and other policy considerations.

Bicyclist riding on road next to bus

Household Travel Survey

This occasional survey ollects data and feedback from residents about how and where they travel in the region to help improve the future of transportation.

Air and Freight Plans

Propeller plane on runway

Aviation System Plan

The Aviation System Plan is focused on 13 general aviation airports that serve MARC’s nine-county jurisdictional area and provides insight into how airports could be improved to best meet the air transportation needs of the region.

Orange semi truck on highway

Heartland Freight Technology Plan

The Heartland Freight Technology Plan plan delivers a prioritization framework for new freight technologies, goals and strategies for harmonizing regulation, recommendations for data management and sharing and a blueprint for action and implementation.

Line of cars on a freight train

Regional Freight Outlook

This study identified freight infrastructure needs and assessed Kansas City's regional transportation advantages, resulting in a targeted marketing strategy.

Streets and Highways Plans

Bicyclist in bike lane riding next to car

Transportation Safety Plan

Together, the Destination Safe coalition will use strategies in the 2022-2027 Transportation Safety Plan that are equitable, data-driven and collaborative as steps to achieve zero roadway deaths in the Kansas City region by 2050.

Aerial view of interstate exchange

Regional ITS Architecture

This Regional ITS Architecture is a roadmap for transportation systems integration that represents a shared vision of how systems will work together in the future, sharing information and resources to provide a safer, more efficient, and more effective transportation system for travelers in the region.
