Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the region’s short-range program that identifies projects to receive federal funds and projects that are of regional significance to be implemented over the next three to five years.

2024-2028 TIP Documents
Publication Date

Project mapping tool

About the TIP

MARC develops the TIP in cooperation with Kansas (KDOT) and Missouri (MoDOT) departments of transportation, local governments and public transportation agencies. Under federal law, the TIP must:

  • Cover a period of no less than four years. 
  • Be updated at least every four years.
  • Be approved by the MPO and the governors of Kansas and Missouri.
  • Be consistent with the approved metropolitan transportation plan.
  • Conform with the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality, if the region is designated a non-attainment or maintenance area.
  • Demonstrate that proposed transportation investments are financially realistic and achievable.
  • List all federally funded and regionally significant projects regardless of funding source.
  • Cover all modes of travel.

TIP development and modification

How is the TIP developed?

MARC develops the TIP by working cooperatively through its committee structure.  MARC programming and policy committees include representatives from local jurisdictions, public transportation agencies, the Kansas and Missouri departments of transportation and other interested parties. Committee members are typically appointed by each participating jurisdiction or state agency and provide input for various MARC documents and recommendations for federally funded projects. Final authority for the adoption of the TIP rests with the MARC Board of Directors.

TIP development cycle

The TIP is updated every two years. The process begins in early October of even-numbered years and is completed by the following September.

October Public outreach for TIP update
December 1 Request to state and local jurisdictions for proposed new projects and updates to projects to be kept in the TIP
February 1 Deadline to submit TIP updates to MARC
February–May MARC staff conducts project review and scoring for priority setting
May–July Programming committees meet and recommend project priorities
August Air quality conformity determination by Air Quality Forum, proposed TIP presented to Total Transportation Policy Committee; released for public review and comment
September MARC Board approves TIP; submitted to states for Statewide Transportation Improvement Program approval
Modifying the TIP

Modifications to the TIP can be made through two methods – formal amendment and administrative modification.

Formal amendments

Formal amendments are processed quarterly and must be submitted by January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 of each year. Formal amendments will be acted on by the Total Transportation Policy Committee and the MARC Board of Directors. Revisions that affect an approved air quality analysis for the region will also be subject to review and approval by the Air Quality Forum.

Formal amendments are those proposed TIP revisions that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Addition or deletion of any project except as noted below.
  • Substantial changes to the scope of a project (e.g., changing the project termini, number of through traffic lanes, removal of multimodal elements, etc.).
  • Financial changes in a project's total programmed cost or programmed amount of federal funds greater than 25 percent or in excess of $5 million.
  • Changes to any project that would affect the approved air quality analysis.
  • Schedule changes that move a project into or out of the first four federal fiscal years of the approved TIP.
  • Suballocated federal funds are those for which MARC has the primary authority to determine or select the projects that will receive federal funding according to federal rules or state policy. Modifications to the scope, programmed amount, or schedule of obligation for suballocated federal funds must be approved by the respective programming committee(s) prior to proceeding through the applicable formal amendment or administrative modification process.

Administrative modifications

Administrative modifications will be processed by MARC staff within two weeks of receipt of all necessary information. Administrative modifications are subject to approval by the MARC director of transportation and do not require committee review or approval.

Administrative modifications include all revisions that are not formal amendments. These modifications usually involve, but are not limited to:

  • Minor description or termini changes. Minor changes are those which do not impact travel demand models or an approved air quality analysis.
  • Shifting funds between years within the first four federal fiscal years of the approved TIP provided fiscal constraint is maintained.
  • Changing the federal funding source program (e.g,. changing the source of federal funds from NHS to STP).
  • Splitting an entry already in the TIP, or breaking out another project or phase from the original entry provided no substantial change in scope occurs through this process. The intent of these adjustments is not to add a new project that is inconsistent with the will of the metropolitan planning organization, as evidenced by the original TIP entry, but to facilitate the implementation of the original TIP entry.

In processing administrative modifications MARC staff will:

  • Enter the requested modifications into the project database and map as necessary.
  • Prepare and publish an updated TIP project listing.
  • Notify the Kansas Department of Transportation and the Missouri Department of Transportation of the modifications and request their inclusion in the respective Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.
  • Prepare a summary of administrative modification activity to be presented to the Total Transportation Policy Committee in conjunction with the quarterly TIP amendment.

Declared emergencies

In the event of a declared state and/or federal emergency, or at the discretion of MARC's executive director, MARC may elect to process any emergency-related TIP revisions through an expedited public involvement process. Emergency-related revisions for which a formal amendment, as documented above, would be required under normal circumstances will also be ratified by the MARC Board of Directors at the next scheduled opportunity.

MARC retains the right to require a formal amendment for any proposed modification to the TIP that, in the opinion of MARC staff, requires public review and the formal endorsement of the Total Transportation Policy Committee, Air Quality Forum (if necessary as noted above), and the MARC Board of Directors.

Use the TIP submission form to add, modify or remove a project.

Procedures updated Dec. 20, 2011.

TIP amendment schedule

Amendments to the TIP are limited to three during the years when a new TIP is developed, and to four during the years when a new TIP is not developed. In order to ensure adequate time to review the amendments for air quality conformity, financial capacity and environmental justice considerations, deadlines have been established for submitting amendment requests to MARC for each amendment cycle. These deadlines allow staff two months to review the requests and prepare required analyses and other materials prior to the scheduled presentation to the Air Quality Forum and TTPC. It is anticipated that one of the quarterly amendments would coincide with the annual KCATA/transit TIP amendment.

January 15 Deadline to submit April amendment request to MARC
January/February MARC staff review and analysis
March Air quality conformity determination by Air Quality Forum; proposed amendment presented to Total Transportation Policy Committee; release for public review and comment
April Amendment approved by the MARC Board; submitted to states for Statewide Transportation Improvement Program approval
April 15 Deadline to submit July amendment request to MARC
April/May MARC staff review and analysis
June Air quality conformity determination by Air Quality Forum; proposed amendment presented to Total Transportation Policy Committee; release for public review and comment
July Amendment approved by the MARC Board; submitted to states for Statewide Transportation Improvement Program approval
July 15* Deadline to submit October amendment request to MARC
July/August* MARC staff review and analysis
September* Air quality conformity determination by Air Quality Forum; proposed amendment presented to Total Transportation Policy Committee; release for public review and comment
October* Amendment approved by the MARC Board; submitted to states for Statewide Transportation Improvement Program approval
October 15 Deadline to submit January amendment request to MARC
October/November MARC staff review and analysis
December Air quality conformity determination by Air Quality Forum; proposed amendment presented to Total Transportation Policy Committee; release for public review and comment
January Amendment approved by the MARC Board; submitted to states for Statewide Transportation Improvement Program approval

*July and October amendments only in years a new TIP is not being developed.

In the event of extenuating circumstances (emergency projects in response to natural and other disasters, situations where federal funds to the region are at risk, etc.), where an amendment becomes necessary outside of the established schedule, staff will work with the project sponsors to process the amendment in as timely a manner as possible. In situations where project sponsors had the opportunity to request the amendment under a regularly scheduled amendment cycle, they will be asked to pay for the advertising costs associated with the amendment.

TIP Amendment Archive

2024-2028 TIP Amendments

2025 1st Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of Directors 


2024 4th Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsOct. 22, 2024
FHWA-KS/FTANov. 14, 2024

2024 3rd Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsJuly 23, 2024
FHWA-KS/FTAAug. 13, 2024
FHWA-MO/FTAAug. 1, 2024

2024 2nd Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsApril 23, 2024
FHWA-KS/FTAMay 16, 2024
FHWA-MO/FTAMay 23, 2024

2024 Special Amendment 1

MARC Board of DirectorsFeb. 27, 2024
FHWA-KS/FTAMarch 11, 2024

2024 1st Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsJan. 23, 2024
FHWA-KS/FTAJan. 31, 2024
FHWA-MO/FTAMarch 21, 2024


2022-2026 TIP Amendments

2023 3rd Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsJuly 26, 2023
FHWA-KS/FTAAug. 1, 2023
FHWA-MO/FTAAug. 16, 2023

2023 2nd Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsApril 25, 2023
FHWA-KS/FTAMay 8, 2023
FHWA-MO/FTAMay 22, 2023

2023 1st Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsJan. 24, 2023
FHWA-KS/FTAJan. 31, 2023
FHWA-MO/FTAFeb. 8, 2023

2022 Special Amendment #2

MARC Board of DirectorsNov. 22, 2022
FHWA-KS/FTANov. 23, 2022

2022 4th Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsOct. 25, 2022
FHWA-KS/FTANov. 8, 2022
FHWA-MO/FTANov. 10, 2022

2022 3rd Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsJuly 27, 2022
FHWA-KS/FTAAug. 3, 2022
FHWA-MO/FTAAug. 15, 2022

2022 Special Amendment #1

MARC Board of DirectorsMay 24, 2022
FHWA-MO/FTAJune 10, 2022

2022 2nd Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsApril 26, 2022
FHWA-KS/FTAMay 10, 2022
FHWA-MO/FTAMay 3, 2022

2022 1st Quarter Amendment

MARC Board of DirectorsJan. 25, 2022
FHWA-KS/FTAFeb. 2, 2022
FHWA-MO/FTAFeb. 23, 2022
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